If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, That you have but slumbered here While these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream - A Midsummer Night's Dream
The other night I slept in till noon, and I dreamed I was watching a singer perform in a big concert hall or something, and he was getting to a part of the song with a high note that he was supposed to belt out. It sounded good at first, but then the high note turned into this loud, grating screech. Then I woke up and realized that noise was one of my neighbors doing yard work with either a leafblower or a chainsaw.
I dreamed I was a student at this boarding school for "troubled people" or something. But it was more of a prison and less of a school. If you didn't behave, the people running the school wouldn't punish you, they'd kill you. It was run by this scary headmistress. The dorm rooms were really run down with peeling paint on the walls, and these uncomfortable cast iron-framed beds. You weren't allowed to have any personal belongings or good food. Some people tried to hide food under their beds that they snuck in from other places, but the people running the school would always find it. My job in the dream was to break people out of the school without people dying. The "color palette" of the dream was kind of dreary and brown and muted, like in November when there's no leaves on the trees but no snow either. The inside of the school looked like Nova Prospekt from half life 2. That's probably where this dream came from LMAO! Oh and there was also a house next door with a cult living in it...? And sometimes the cult members would give students food.
I was going to my high school prom, except it was on a boat. But it wasn't a nice, fancy yacht or something. It was this really horrible rickety wooden ship from like the 1800s, but it was small and probably even less nice than you're picturing. When I came onto the ship, I had to squeeze through this narrow entrance room and then this aisle, kind of like when you first get on an airplane and you're trying to find a seat, only it was worse and less clean. I was wearing my prom dress-- I don't remember if it was the same as the one I wore to prom in real life lol.
I remember being below the deck, and I think you could sort of look out some small windows. We were at a long table with decorations, having dinner. People were trying to enjoy themselves but it was gross and really grimy and dingy. The only light was these horrible, dusty oil lamps hanging from the ceiling. All of a sudden there was a leak in the floor and water started coming in. Then the leak opened into this huge hole at the bottom of the ship and the floor basically fell apart. Everyone was running around and trying to hold on while the ship sank. I tried to use the table to block the water coming in from the hole in the floor (lol), but the ship sank anyway.
It was winter, and I was about to drive to some nighttime event at my old middle school. We had a winter concert there every year in real life, so I guess it was probably that, but I never got to the school in the dream. I kept looking for stuff I had to bring with me, or my outfit would be wrong and I'd have to change it. I was going to be late, and my parents were yelling at me to get in the car. I tried unlocking my phone, but it said the passcode was wrong. I finally opened it, and it had switched itself back to like iOS 6. It was nuts. All my contacts were missing too. I told my mom my phone was broken, it was the wrong iOS, I'd lost everyone's number, etc. etc. She said I was nuts if I thought that, and "It's always looked that way. You're getting worked up over nothing."
I dreamed I was at my house and a lot of people were over, almost like it was a public place. Went outside, and saw someone was making meth on the deck, so I ran into the yard, and the FBI showed up and some swat teams showed up to arrest the guy. I hid in a tent in the yard by the woods. Then I looked up into the sky and saw a perfectly spherical, silvery, metallic UFO with a ring around it like saturn or something. It was blinking with colored lights, and then it came down towards me. I hid in the tent all day. All the people left the yard. I came back inside. My family was in the kitchen eating dinner at the table, asking me where I'd been all day.
Another part of the dream: I was at a creepy indoor theme park. It was almost abandoned. There was a sort-of rail car that would take you through all the different parts of it. There was a waterpark area. It had gross, moldy, wet green carpet, meant to resemble grass. It wasn't even astroturf, though. It was just thin, green, shitty carpet. The waterpark had a prospector/gold rush type theme to it, and fake pine trees and fake rocks above the water slides. The carpet would squelch when I stepped on it and water would seep out. There was a bear mascot, kind of like smokey the bear. Maybe he was a beaver. I have no idea. It looked really run down. I tried texting my boyfriend and my phone wouldn't work. I just wanted to get out of there, and I thought he could help me. I kept typing the wrong thing and pressing the wrong buttons. I was able to send one message and he never responded the whole time I was in the dream. I kept riding the rail car and going through all these different rooms full of old theme park rides and things. I was in a museum at one point, which was in a different part of the same building, but it was much better maintained and really clean. It was almost spotless, and it was dark, with long, polished wood hallways and little lights that would illuminate the stuff in the glass cases.
I dreamed I had a pet chameleon that I just found in my bedroom one day. He just turned up one day and stuck around, like he'd just chosen me as his new friend. He was really sweet and would change color when he sat on things. He climbed up my bedroom wall and turned the color that my walls are painted. (It's an ugly light blue color I chose when I was like seven, it makes me feel like I'm in a fish tank. But it looked great on him.) He was really adorable and would climb on my shirt and sit on my shoulder, like a cheeky little scamp. :)
Later on, I was playing outside in my backyard and the side yard with my sister. I used to do that a lot as a kid, like basically every day. It was summer in the dream, and everything was beautiful and warm. Everything looked big and expansive like it did when I was a kid. The sky was bigger, and running and jumping around was easier for me. Like, I was just lighter. And all my friends from childhood were playing in the yard too, like we were having a big party. Everyone was having such a good time.
I came back inside at some point and asked "Where's my chameleon? Has anyone seen him?" I was looking for him everywhere for like 30 minutes, stressing out and getting upset. All the friends at my party were getting annoyed by me, saying I was being too dramatic. People were starting to leave the party, and the sun was going down. I got scared as the sun went down. Like I started panicking about it, almost like I was in danger.
My sister kept saying she hadn't seen my chameleon, and that he'd just turn up. But as time went on, she came clean and took out a small folded up paper towel. She unfolded it and my chameleon was dead in the paper towel and there was blood on him. She said, "Sorry. I accidentally sat on him."
For the rest of the dream I was flying into a rage and yelling at her for killing my pet. I was so upset and pissed off at her for not telling me. Even though it was an accident and she didn't mean to sit on him, she let me stress out about it for a long time and look for him frantically while he was already dead the whole time. I was mostly just guilty and sad and kicking myself for the fact that I'd left my chameleon out of my sight for long enough to get into danger and be killed. I was calling myself irresponsible and a terrible pet owner, etc.
I dreamed everyone in my town graffitied nasty insults on the outside walls of my house and said they hated my family and they hoped we would leave town. At another point in the dream, I was sitting at the table with my computer, and the house started burning down. I had to rush to pick up a few irreplaceable items (Don't do that if your house is on fire lol) and then I tried to get my cats out, but I couldn't get everything out in time. So I ran outside while there was smoke and fire around me. I managed to escape but my house burned down completely.
I dreamed I was at my old high school, but I was in some other classroom that I wasn't supposed to be in, and I was hanging out with people goofing around because I was ditching class. Then later, I had to take a test and I failed it because I hadn't gone to that class all year. The teacher was mad at me and said I was a bad student and a lazy, bad person etc. Then later on I was at an amusement park going on a roller coaster.
In last night's dream, I was collecting shells on a beach, but it was like a video game. Like animal crossing. I was on a tropical island staying at this lovely resort. And I had a room in a nice hotel right by the beach, but one of my college suitemates was staying in the room across from mine at the hotel. And she knocked on my door and woke me up (she used to do that all the time when I was suitemates with her) and told me about some drama that was going on between her and another friend. I think she was wearing this Hawaiian looking dress xD. Then she told me she was making pasta. I remember walking down the halls of the hotel and going through doors and stuff and up and down elevators and flights of stairs and getting lost.
Later on I went on this boat on the ocean, like a motorboat. And it was beautiful, I saw all the beautiful scenery, like palm trees and more beaches and people hanging out on the beaches. It was a perfect day, and the sun was shining. There were all these shells and fish and coral reefs that I could see from the boat because the water was so clear.
There were lots of different parts of this dream. So basically lots and lots of stuff happened. In one part, I was swimming in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, and a big fish came and attacked me. I could not get away from the fish, and it kept coming up and bumping against me and biting at me. Later on I dreamed I was on an island with my boyfriend, and we went down to the beach. A big wave came and washed over us, like a tsunami. We tried to run, but the wave caught us, and I was trying to swim up to the top. I tried to help my boyfriend and pull him up to the surface of the water with me, because I think he was unconscious. Me and my boyfriend got stuck under an overhang for a building, and I drowned. I don't know if my boyfriend survived in that part of the dream, because I was already dead. I actually have lots of dreams where I die. The dream normally just continues onto a different scene if I die.
In a later scene in the dream, I got a text from a high school friend I haven't talked to in years, and she told me that she found my youtube channel and said it was nostalgic hearing my voice again. She also made fun of how I drew Friday Night Funkin' fanart and she called me cringe. At a different point in the dream, I went on a camping trip with my boyfriend.
I dreamed I was a bass player in my middle school band class. I remember everyone in the classroom was goofing off and I was trying to get the part that I played right, because it sounded so nice when it was played right. I kept trying to practice it over and over while everyone was talking, so that when we finally started rehearsing the song, I would do it perfectly. However, no matter how hard I tried, no sound came out of the instrument.
I had another dream where I was walking down the hallway at my old middle school and talking to some friends in the girl's bathroom. We were all spending lots of time looking in the bathroom mirror. I also remember at a different point in the dream I went into the girl's bathroom again, but instead of how the room normally was, there was a HUGE maze of stalls, like an entire maze and there were so many hallways of all of these different rows of stalls. I don't really remember what else happened honestly, but it was another school dream. And there were lots of bright colors.
Also, I don't remember if this was part of last night's dream or my dream on the 26th, but I had a dream I was in a huge shopping mall. I was a willy wonka type in the dream, and I was the owner of this really bizarre toy store that sold all these stupid toys. The store was enormous, like you could go through the door and it was just huge, like Mary Poppins' handbag. The walls were decorated kind of like a forest, with these fake trees. And there were fake trees decorating other areas of the store too, kind of like what you might see at the rainforest cafe or other weird 90s and 80s toy stores and children's museums. Like carpet for grass and little tunnels to go into. Animatronic animals that popped out of holes in the walls or holes in the fake trees.
The toys I was selling in my shop were the type of toys I used to see in magazines around Christmas but were like, hundreds of dollars so my parents wouldn't get them for me. Like robots and stuff. Robotic dogs. I remember all of the toys had bright colors and flashing lights and made noise. I was selling candy in the store too. Lollipops and things were everywhere. They were those enormous swirly lollipops that you could get as a prize at chuck e cheese but are so big you can't fit them in your mouth and you have to keep rewrapping them and storing in the freezer or something because they take basically a whole week to eat and then they get covered with hair and you have to eventually throw them out. There was also a roller rink in the middle of my store. You could rent roller skates and everything! It was nuts. I would go to a store like that nowadays in a heartbeat if they had one that cool at the mall where I live!! Unfortunately, they don't xD
But then later on I had to go open the store for the day because that was the morning that the store was having it's major grand opening. But I got completely lost in the mall and I couldn't find my store. I went down all these hallways and through lots of rooms and other stores and down into weird basements and boiler rooms. The mall just went on forever. Staircases, elevators, through all these random, weirdly shaped doors with all these bright colors.
That's basically the kind of dream I have every night. Maybe that's why I'm so tired during the day!
I dreamed I was at this buffet with my family and my extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins). In the dream, they kept making comments about the food I was putting on my plate, if it was unhealthy or if I was taking too much. And they were making comments about my clothes, my hair, the way I walked and breathed. And then they started saying I was holding up the line at the buffet, and that I was "acting out". Basically no matter what I did I kept messing up and they were always catching me at the WORST possible moment. My dream made me forget how to walk properly, so I kept knocking stuff over and they got upset.
I went to sit down and eat with them, but whenever I tried to talk they would ignore me or give me weird looks. I'd say something I thought was funny or an intelligent contribution to the conversation, but they'd just all turn and look at me hawk eyed. It sucked.
I have a lot of dreams that take place in my old high school and in my old middle school. The halls of both buildings looked really similar in terms of layout, so a lot of the time my brain confuses them and I'll have a dream where I'm basically at both schools at once. It sort of morphs together. So last night I dreamed I was getting ready to go to my high school but I was late. Granted, I have been out of high school for like 5 years.
It was a stress dream, because for about half of it I was late for school and having trouble finding things and getting ready on time. I remember I was lacing up my doc martens at one point and that took me about 10 minutes. Then I realized I hadn't showered, so I had to go do that, and it took forever and I ended up being late for another hour at least. Then I couldn't find an outfit to wear, nor could I find my backpack. That was stupid because I wore a uniform when I was actually in high school, and never had to worry about picking an outfit. BUt in this dream, to make me extra stressed, my brain decided I needed to pick an outfit for myself.
I found my backpack, but after that I couldn't find any of my books or my pens. My dad kept reminding me I was running late. I think I may have finally gotten to school, because I vaguely remember being in a classroom in the dream, but I might be mixing it up with a different classroom dream. Basically all my dreams take place in classrooms I went to school in that haven't set foot in for years and years. In the dream I was singing we are young by fun, and when I woke up in the morning it was in my head. It's in my head now as I write this, because I remembered.
I'm writing this on the 22nd, but I'll tell you what I dreamed about the night before last night as well. That dream took place at my high school as well, but I think I was looking for something at the school that I couldn't find. So I was going up and down different flights of stairs and down all these long and winding and convoluted hallways and through different doors. I dreamed I was in the parking lot at one point and I went in someone's car. I remember I was going inside and outside the front doors. The dream took place a while after school hours, so I think maybe around 5, which was like an hour or so after school would get out.
I don't even remember what I was looking for at the school. I spent the whole dream looking for it, but I never found it.
I also remember my dream on the 20th, but vaguely. A lot of things happened in the dream, just me going to a lot of different places and seeing a lot of stuff. I am usually myself in my dreams, but in this dream I was a little boy and I was wearing kind of an old fashioned 1940s kind of outfit. I think I was poor, but I had a mom and dad and a brother. I was wearing kind of a drab colored shirt and cropped corduroy-ish pants with suspenders. I had a house that I lived in with my family and I slept in the attic. There was a kind of trapdoor thing that I had to use to get up to my room, and I think there was an old, rickety wooden staircase that you had to open a closet door to get to and then climb through the trapdoor to my room. It was a really small house.
Anyway, I think the older brother I had in the dream died, but that happened "off screen" and then it cut to a scene later, where I guess I was older and I went back to the house. It was a dilapidated building in that part of the dream. I was walking upstairs, and the glass on the windows was broken, the furniture and items were gone as well. The whole building was just falling apart, and a lot of the roof and the walls were gone. It was like it had been abandoned for decades.